4 Ways to Treat Varicose Veins While Waiting for Surgery

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How to Look After Your Body

My name is Joshua. I've spent many years looking after my health. Once upon a time, back in university, I wasn't too keen on fitness or eating healthily and my body paid for it. I was at the doctor's office all the time. I finally got it through my head that I needed to take better care of myself. These days I take needed vitamins and supplements specific to my body's deficiencies and always try to exercise regularly. This blog is all about ways you can use both natural and traditional medicine and health routines to keep yourself looking and feeling great.


4 Ways to Treat Varicose Veins While Waiting for Surgery

18 November 2016
Health & Medical , Blog

Varicose veins can be unsightly, uncomfortable and painful, which is why current clinical guidelines recommend that all sufferers consult a vascular surgeon for treatment. However, there are fewer than 200 vascular surgeons currently operating in Australia, and as a result, wait times can be lengthy. Here are four things you can try to ease the pain while waiting for your surgical appointment.

1. Simple steps

Easing the pain and discomfort of varicose veins can be as easy as making a few simple lifestyle changes. According to the U.S. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, physical activity that tones muscle can help keep blood moving. Losing weight can also improve blood flow, in addition to the numerous other benefits of maintaining a healthy weight. The Vein Institute recommends that the affected area should be kept elevated while at rest and massaged at the end of each day. Try to avoid wearing tight clothing or high heels, as these can worsen the condition.

2. Dietary changes

According to celebrity health guru Dr Josh Axe, varicose vein sufferers should follow a strict anti-inflammatory diet to help ease discomfort and stop new varicose veins from forming. Sufferers should seek out foods that are high in fibre, such as vegetables, lentils and cereals, and avoid foods that are high in sodium. Foods that are high in antioxidants, such as berries, prunes, raisins and dark chocolate, can also help strengthen veins.

3. Compression stockings

Compression (support) stockings assist with blood circulation by squeezing the veins closest to the ankle, preventing blood from pooling. There are three classes of stocking, from Class 1, which provide light compression, to Class 3, which provide tight compression for those with serious varicose vein conditions. 'One size fits all' stockings can be purchased from medical supply stores, while pharmacists can measure and fit stockings to suit your body shape.

4. Natural remedies

According to the national consumer advocate CHOICE, horse chestnut, a herbal supplement, may help ease swelling and pain. Horse chestnut can be purchased from most herbalists and health food stores, and some pharmacies. However, clinical trials have only established the supplement's effectiveness for short-term use, and those taking any prescription medication should check with their doctor first.

Some doctors recommend a combination of herbal treatments such as Vitamin E, bilberry fruit and grape seed extract. There is also evidence to suggest that the antioxidant rutin, present in some citrus fruits, may be effective in fighting varicose veins, particularly in pregnant women.

Most vascular surgeons will recommend a medical intervention to treat moderate and severe cases of varicose veins. However, by following these tips, you can help ease pain and discomfort while waiting for your appointment.