Malarone Side Effects: Understand What to Expect and Learn How to Cope

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How to Look After Your Body

My name is Joshua. I've spent many years looking after my health. Once upon a time, back in university, I wasn't too keen on fitness or eating healthily and my body paid for it. I was at the doctor's office all the time. I finally got it through my head that I needed to take better care of myself. These days I take needed vitamins and supplements specific to my body's deficiencies and always try to exercise regularly. This blog is all about ways you can use both natural and traditional medicine and health routines to keep yourself looking and feeling great.


Malarone Side Effects: Understand What to Expect and Learn How to Cope

18 November 2016
Health & Medical , Blog

If you're going to be travelling either to or through a country that presents a risk of malaria, you need to make sure you protect yourself by taking anti-malarial medication; complications include anything from chills and diarrhoea to kidney failure and pulmonary oedema, so it really isn't worth taking a chance by skipping preventative measures.

Malarone is one of the most widely-used medications, but, like all medications, it may present side effects. Under no circumstances should these side effects cause you to stop taking your Malarone, but you should know what to look out for.

Here's everything you need to know about the potential side effects of Malarone and what you should do about them.

What Are the Most Common Side Effects of Malarone?

Malarone can cause some common side effects, so be prepared the experience them when you take the medication. Probably the most widely-experienced side effect is an upset stomach. You may find that you develop a stomach ache or feel nauseated after taking your pill. It is also possible that you might find yourself suffering from diarrhoea.

Other common side effects are a sense of weakness or dizziness; these sensations may be accompanied by headaches. This is one reason it's so important to take the medication well in advance of your trip if you're planning on hiking the Inca Trail, tackling the Annapurna Circuit, or undertaking some other strenuous task.  

How Should You Cope With Common Side Effects of Malarone?

One thing to remember is that these side effects are far less significant than what can occur if malaria is contracted. Of course, that fact doesn't make experiencing the side effects any more fun. If you experience stomach issues, try sticking to plainer foods and drinking plenty of water; if you are sick right after taking your pill, take another one to make sure your body remains protected.

Headaches can be treated using common over-the-counter painkillers, and any weakness should prompt you to spend a day or two taking it easy – your body may simply need a break in order to adapt.

What Are the More Serious Side Effects of Malarone?

Very few people will experience serious side effects, but you should still be able to spot them.

  • Signs of an Allergy: If you notice swelling around the face or throat, experience trouble breathing, or see widespread rashes, you might have an allergy.
  • Signs of Anaemia: Extreme fatigue, rapid respiration, and an increased heartbeat could all indicate anaemia.
  • Signs of Infection: A fever, strong aches across the body, and a sore throat can all indicate an infection.

If any of these signs present themselves, see a medical professional as soon as possible. For more information, contact local professionals like Travellers Medical Services.