Top Tips for Recruiting the Best Staff for Your New Business

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How to Look After Your Body

My name is Joshua. I've spent many years looking after my health. Once upon a time, back in university, I wasn't too keen on fitness or eating healthily and my body paid for it. I was at the doctor's office all the time. I finally got it through my head that I needed to take better care of myself. These days I take needed vitamins and supplements specific to my body's deficiencies and always try to exercise regularly. This blog is all about ways you can use both natural and traditional medicine and health routines to keep yourself looking and feeling great.


Top Tips for Recruiting the Best Staff for Your New Business

29 November 2016
Health & Medical , Blog

So you've just launched a business and you need to recruit staff. As you're recruiting for a new business, you want to choose the right kind of people who will help you take your company to bigger and better things. So what should you be doing to recruit the best candidates for your new business? Read on for top recruitment tips.

Choosing the Right Person for the Job

Recruiting for a dynamic new business requires a little more effort. You will be looking for people who mirror your desires and commitments and love a challenge. With an established business, you recruit staff to help run it. But with a new business, you're recruiting staff to help you build it. You will need staff that are a little more special. Consider the following things when recruiting:

Fortune Favours the Bold

You're taking a risk starting a business -- a bold move. You want staff who are willing to take a risk with you. Seek out bold go-getters who will put in the extra effort needed to grow. As you're not looking for run of the mill staff, you can go ahead and abandon the run of the mill recruitment questions. Instead, ask questions that allow you to get to the heart of a candidate. What you really want to know is what the candidate can bring to your business to aid its growth. A great question to ask is: If you were the boss, what changes would you like to bring to the business and why? First, an answer will show that the candidate has done their homework about your business. Second, it takes a courageous person to critique your business, and you need courageous people to take the journey to success with you.

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

In a fledgeling business, you need to have a team that is united behind the same cause -- to grow the business. You will want to pick staff who will be able to share your passion and aspirations for the business. Having a cohesive team of staff with the same ideas and motivation will get you off to the best start.

Healthier Staff = Healthier Profits

When you've found the great candidates you were looking for, you'll want to know that they're fit for the job. Staff sickness can be a heavy burden on a well-established business but can be catastrophic for a fledgeling one. Pre-employment medicals can ensure that the staff you're hiring are fit for the job you need them to do. A pre-employment medical assessment can be tailored to your specific needs. If, for example, your staff will be working outside in the hot Australian sun, you may want to include skin checks to ensure that you can provide the correct level of protection for those who have a greater susceptibility to sun damage.