4 Benefits of In-Home Care for Amputees

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How to Look After Your Body

My name is Joshua. I've spent many years looking after my health. Once upon a time, back in university, I wasn't too keen on fitness or eating healthily and my body paid for it. I was at the doctor's office all the time. I finally got it through my head that I needed to take better care of myself. These days I take needed vitamins and supplements specific to my body's deficiencies and always try to exercise regularly. This blog is all about ways you can use both natural and traditional medicine and health routines to keep yourself looking and feeling great.


4 Benefits of In-Home Care for Amputees

16 February 2017
, Blog

If you have recently had a limb amputated, you will now be facing a period of adjustment and recovery as you learn how to carry out day-to-day tasks. So they can maintain as much independence as possible, many amputees wish to stay at home rather than entering a care facility. Below is a guide to how in-home care can help you to build a new life after your amputation.

Wound Care

Immediately after an amputation, the wound site will need to be regularly cleaned and dressed. If the wound is not properly cared for, it may become infected. This can cause a lot of pain and could lead to serious complications which require further amputations. An in-home carer will be able to assist you in cleaning and dressing the wound.

Management of Pain

After an amputation, you may experience pain. This pain can be physical in nature or a 'phantom' pain associated with the missing limb. An in-home carer will be able to assist in assessing your pain and administering the right dose of pain medication so you are comfortable during your recovery.

Occupational Therapy

As an amputee, you will require occupational therapy. Occupational therapy is designed to help you to learn how to carry out everyday tasks such as walking up and down stairs, cooking food and self-care. Your doctor should refer you to a professional occupational therapist, who will work with you during your recovery. You may have to carry out exercises to build up the strength in your remaining limbs or practice tasks around the home. If you have been given a prosthetic limb, you will have to practice wearing and operating it. An in-home carer will also be able to assist you in carrying out these tasks on a daily basis.

Social Integration

Because amputees spend an extended amount of time in hospital followed by a period of being housebound, they can often become socially isolated. An active social life plays a key part in the recovery process. Having people to see and places to go helps you to stay positive by giving you a sense of purpose and connection with the world. An in-home carer can help to arrange social engagements and can help you when you leave the house to attend them.

If you or someone you love has recently had an amputation and you would like to find out more about the benefits of hiring an in-home carer, contact a home health care company today.